Will Saddam's trial be rigged?
(too old to reply)
2004-07-02 05:06:14 UTC
We agree that Saddam was a sonofabitch. But he was America's
sonofabitch. The Iraqi people care to see more than a show trial. They
KNOW Saddam is guilty of mass murder. The purpose of a trial is to get
the facts straight - I question as to whether that will happen.
Karl, apparently you slept through "Justice101". He is being charged with
crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide including the invasion of
This is not a Michael Moore film.....Bush had nothing to do with these
The only "facts" that need to get straight have to do with only these
charges. No other facts are relevent. It is not going to be an expose of
CIA or any other such thing. Look at it this way....at least he is getting
trial and that is more than can be said for the 200,000 people he killed.
Time to pay the old piper.
These charges are bullshit. Who is charging him? The illegally installed
Iraqi government? Who's laws are they going by? How can he be charged with
crimes when he was head of state? Most of these so-called crimes took place
when he was good buddies with Washington, which they could care less about
until he invaded Kuwait. After that, they could still care less, until Jr.
comes in looking for revenge and sacrificing almost 1,000 lives for his
personal reasons.

If Saddam is to be charged with a crime by invading Kuwait (was not the
first gulf war and his defeat the punishment?), then the US should be
charged for REAL illegal invasion of Iraq. The US went against the UN!
Saddam did not go against anyone! Also, how can they charge him with
committing crimes when this government is a false one? The fact that the
new Iraqi government is established by the US is criminal. Saddam was
ejected from his post illegally, so war crimes against him when he was the
leader should be null and void. However, we all know that he will die.
Unless some people in Iraq actually wan to spare him.

Also, is it not funny how the US always puts in the whitest citizens to
replace non-white peoples? They did the same thing in Panama.
2004-07-02 07:26:42 UTC
Post by "Guest"
These charges are bullshit. Who is charging him? The illegally installed
Iraqi government? Who's laws are they going by? How can he be charged with
crimes when he was head of state?
Ah ... a comic !
2004-07-02 08:17:02 UTC
It appears that someone has his head at another place than where it should
